Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Having some problems getting my blog to function!

If this post makes it to my blog, I know things are back to normal, so fingers crossed. If not, none of my "silent followers" will ever find out what happened to my blog as I will have to start another one, maybe not with Very challenging hat there are no obvious contact emails for when support to fix errors is needed! Extremely frustrating and unproductive!

1 comment:

  1. All my google products were playing up because of a problem with cookies in my browser that came out of nowhere! Seems like the blog is functioning "normally" again, but to all my followers, if this blog mysteriously disappears off the internet again, I might just have to set up shop with my blog in another internet location? Very time-consuming, so I hope not. Now, it's back to working on the book for a little while longer tonight. Hope everyone is enjoying their evening/day? all the best, Sarina
