Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year! 💗

I hope 2023 brings you many wonderful experiences and joyful interactsions. May your year be filled with success, prosperity, love, good health, happiness and playfulness. love and best wishes, Sarina xox 💗

New beginnings...

I never worry...

"I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough." - Albert Einstein

Friday, December 30, 2022

Something adorable to start your weekend with an "awww"... 💗

When someone is going through a rough time...

"When someone is going through a rough time...just sit with them. No preaching, no advice. Just be there." 💗

Little souls...

"Step over ants, put worms back in the grass, rescue baby caterpillars, release spiders back in the garden, open windows for bees to fly home, they are all little souls that deserve a life too."

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Be a trail-blazer...

"The road to success is not a path you find but a trail you blaze." - Robert Brault