Friday, April 22, 2011

The most beautiful scenery in the world

This lovely clip contains wonderful imagery from nature. Sometimes, we don't get the chance to leave the city to see the beauty of natural landscapes - this clip reminds us of what extradordinary places our planet possesses for us to enjoy and protect for future generations.

YouTube - The Beatles - All You Need is Love (HQ)

YouTube - The Beatles - All You Need is Love (HQ) All we need is love, and probably a little bit of elbow grease, action motivated by love, to make each other's lives and planet we live in, healed and harmonious.
"All know that the drop merges into the ocean but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.” Sufi Kabir (1450—1518)
Giving the blog a bit of a spring clean, or maybe that should be "autumn clean"? Anyway, I'm hoping that it will be more user-friendly after the change.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

WSPA Animal Rescue

WSPA Animal Rescue

There are thousands of animals in the devastated areas of Japan that need your help. If you can spare a little cash to help out WSPA, International Fund for Animals, or any of the related groups or organizations doing what they can to save these animals in need, please donate. The link in this post links to the donation page for WSPA (Australia). Thanking you in advance for your help! :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Japanese Earthquake - Your help is needed!

Japanese earthquake animal rescue group
If you are a member of facebook, please join the above cause and add your support. People and animals need your help during this time of difficulty - if you can send some financial support, great, but if not, emotional support, information etc, are all beneficial! :) Thanks for helping. Our hearts and prayers are with you Japan.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

News on My Upcoming Book Launch!

For all those who have patiently been waiting for the launch of new personal development book, it is definitely on the horizon! The recent floods inundated my preferred launch venue and their event calandar is now some months behind, but while I wait for the venue to provide a date for my book launch, I have taken the opportunity to redraft my book. The delay has been a blessing in disguise with many more revelations presenting themselves for inclusion in the final version of the book. I decided early on that I wanted the first print-run of my new book to be a handbound eco-friendly limited edition, so this delay also means I have extra time to get the funds together for printing and spend whatever period necessary for the careful handbinding of each volume. Anyone who has pre-purchased or pre-ordered my new book, your name is still on file and you will be notified once the launch date is confirmed. If you would like to pre-order, just email using the contact form on this blog or visit the store at I am very happy with the way the book is shaping up and look forward to releasing it this year!