Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fascinating Traditional Buddhist Chant! - The Lotus Sutra

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo - The Lotus Sutra is Buddha's most referred to teaching on "emptiness", it is said to be a central concept and necessary part of enlightenment. It is professed that understanding and experiencing "emptiness" is something that can not be taught; it is said that one can not try to understand it with the mind.

This is the Lotus Sutra memorized, recited, and chanted by some western Buddhist monks. The lotus sutra is widely considered to be the most sacred teaching of the Buddha.


  1. Anyone who thinks they can chant their way to happiness and prosperity doesn't have a clue about what Buddhism is all about. The Dhammapada is the most sacred teaching of the Buddha.

    Gerald Stribling, M.Ed.
    Lakoya and Stribling LLC

    1. Thank you for your very insightful comment, Gerald! I agree with you totally! Buddhism is certainly not about our day-to-day goals and aspirations, it is a spiritual path. However, meditation practices, where ever they are sourced, can help people develop a greater understanding of the benefits of the practice of peace. Thank you to adding to this online forum, Gerald. - Sarina
