Sunday, December 19, 2010

Poll - Do you believe in God? If yes, what is your concept of God?

Do you believe in God? If not, why not? If yes, how do you perceive God to be? Do you think spiritual or religious belief to be a good thing or not? And your reasons? Please cast your vote in the poll, and if you like, add your comments to the blog. Would love to hear your opinion!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Stillness - one of my original photographs (and an illustration for my new book).

"Stillness", a photograph I took about two years ago, will appear as an illustration in my new personal development and self-awareness book to be released in 2011. This image reminds me of a Japanese print and I feel it truly conveys the feeling of peacefulness and contemplation. 

I wanted to post this image to test the new twitterfeed I just set up between my new blog and twitter. Fingers crossed that it works!

A work in progress

Not sure about Blogs yet?! If anyone has any suggestions, I am open to whatever tips you may have?! May not get back to this for a while but it is nice to know this blog is sitting here waiting for me when I get the time.

In the meantime, I'd like to wish anyone reading this a wonderful Christmas and a lovely, safe and fulfilling 2011!
all the best,
Sarina D.